Style guide

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Top Models | Style Guide

“A style guide is about consistency. Consistency with this style guide is important. Consistency within a project is more important. Consistency within one module or function is the most important.” - PEP 8

This style guide describes what Python conventions and guidelines are used, on top of the UU requirements. This document also provides guidance on practices w.r.t. setting up a (Python) project structure and writing (Python) project documentation. This document does not try to explain how to use certain Python language constructs and features in particular.

Python Coding Style

The project follows the python coding conventions & guidelines as described in the PEP 8 style guide. Bellow follows a short summary of the most important points; for further questions please refer to the official guide and of course adhere to general coding practices also applied in other programming languages.

General Formatting

  • Indentation 4 spaces per level. This is not required for continuation lines (e.g. function arguments over multiple lines), but indentation has to clearly distinguish independent lines that follow.

  • Indentation has to be consistent (i.e. either tabs or spaces), given that some code editors will get confused by mixed usage. PEP 8 suggests spaces, so make sure that the code editor is configured in such a way that a tab inserts 4 spaces.

  • Maximum line length is 79 characters. Maximum docstring/comment length is 72 characters.

  • The end-of-file (EOF) of a .py file should be a newline, meaning that the last line of a .py file in a code editor is a blank line.

Code Formatting

  • For line wrapping, do not use \, but use implied line continuation with parentheses.

  • Put a line break before binary operators. This makes sure that operators are vertically aligned and that they are placed directly before the operand.

    # Example of implied line continuation
    # and line breaks before binary operators.
    income = (gross_wages
              + taxable_interest
              + (dividends - qualified_dividends)
              - ira_deduction
              - student_loan_interest)
  • The use of string quotes has to be consistent. PEP 8 does not suggest one over the other, but given that all developers are familiar with C#, make use of double quotes when writing strings.

  • Do not add additional spaces around = to align assignments.

  • Do use spaces around = when used to indicate a default value in function declarations, as we use argument type annotations. (NOTE: do not use spaces between the parameter keyword and the argument when overriding the parameter’s default value)

    # Example of the assignment of default values 
    # to function parameters with argument type annotations. 
    def fib(p: int = 0, q: int = 1) -> int
  • Add 2 blank lines around top-level functions and classes.

  • Add 1 blank line around methods (within a class).

  • It is allowed to add blank lines within functions to make a distinction between logical sections.


  • Imports are to be defined at the top of a file, after module comments and docstrings and before module globals and constants.

  • Imports are to be grouped in the following order, with a blank line between each group:

    1. Standard library imports.

    2. Third party imports (i.e. acquired using pip install)

    3. Local imports from other libraries within the project.

    4. Local imports within the same library.

  • Make use of absolute imports, meaning not relative to the file system.

  • Scope-specific imports are preferred, so do not use wildcard *, but instead specify what is to be imported.

    # Example of a scope-specific import.
    from bar import Foo

Naming Conventions

Write all names in English, ASCII preferred. Avoid using names that are too general or too specific (e.g. with a lot of words). Language constructs that use the CamelCase convention must capitalize all letters of an abbreviation ( e.g. HTTPServer). If a name collides with a reserved keyword, append 1 trailing underscore.


Naming Convention


All-lowercase, underscores should not be used


All-lowercase, underscores may be used between individual words if required


CamelCase convention (NOTE: Python’s built-in classes typically are lowercase)
class PyramidGiza:
Exception classes should include “Exception” as suffix
class InputException:

Global Variable

All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words (NOTE: global variables should only be used inside the module in which they are defined)
pyramid_giza = "pyramid of giza"

Instance Variable

All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words
pyramid_giza = "pyramid of giza"  # Public
Protected instance variables should start with 1 underscore
_pyramid_giza = "pyramid of giza"  # Protected
Private instance variables should start with 2 underscores
__pyramid_giza = "pyramid of giza"  # Private


All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words
def pyramid_giza():


All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words
def pyramid_giza():  # Public
Protected methods should start with 1 underscore
def _pyramid_giza():  # Protected
Private methods should start with 2 underscores
def __pyramid_giza():  # Private

Function Argument

All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words
def function(function_argument : str)

Method Argument

All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words
def instance_method(self):
Instance methods should have their first argument named “self”
def class_method(cls):
Class methods should have their first argument named “cls”. Static methods are similar to class methods, but do not require any arguments
def static_method():


All-lowercase, unserscores should be used between individual words, the suffix should be “test”

In practice, private variables and methods (i.e. with 2 underscores) should not be used, since they are not actually made private; they are just renamed internally in a way that makes them harder to access (this is called “name mangling”). Instead, use a single underscore to indicate that a variable or method should not be touched outside the class it is declared in. If the variable is to be altered, make use of getters and setters (which are decorators in Python). General practice in that case however is to expose (public) attributes directly, and to only use getters and setters when additional actions are required when getting or setting a value.

Type Annotations

Given that most developers are more familiar with explicit typing, follow the PEP 484 type hint rules when annotating function/method definitions. Since Python remains to be a dynamically typed language, do not use variable type annotations. Of course there remains to be no type checking at runtime with type annotations.

  • Parameter/return type annotations are defined by filling function annotation slots with any class. A type checker could use this to throw a warning when it suspects this is not the case.

    # Example of a function annotation where 
    # the expected type of the argument is str,
    # the expected return type will also be a str.
    def greeting(name: str) -> str:
        return "Hello " + name 
  • Expressions whose type is a subtype of a specific parameter/return type are also accepted as valid arguments/return values.

  • The type of wildcard parameters (i.e. *args or **kwargs) should be the type of the individual arguments passed to the function. When iterables may also be passed as arguments, the Iterable type (from should be used explicitly as well.

    # Example of a type annotation for an *args parameter.
    # An iterable may also be passed in this case.
    def sum(*args: int | Iterable[int]) -> int:
  • For clear semantic type distinction, type aliases can be used, although they are recommended to be used sparingly. Alias names should be capitalized, as they represent user-defined types, which are generally declared that way.

    # Example of the usage of type aliases in function annotations.
    Url = str
    def retry(url: Url, retry_count: int) -> None:
  • The return type of class constructors (i.e. __init__) should be explicitly annotated as None.

  • Types provided by the typing module are deprecated and should therefore not be used anymore. Use the built-in (collection) types from the standard library instead.

Type annotations may get rather complex, but try to keep them as simple as possible. Since Python by design is an implicitly typed language, readability should be maintained as much as possible.

Best Practices

  • Use is not instead of not ... is, even though they semantically are the same.

  • In general use == instead of is, only use is if some value is being compared to an object in memory.

  • Always use a def statement instead of an assigment statement that would bind a lambda expression to the identifier.

    def f(x: int) -> int: # Correct
        return 2 * x     
    f = lambda x: 2 * x   # Wrong
  • Derive exceptions from Exception instead of BaseException. Also aim to answer the question “What went wrong” instead of stating something generic like “A problem occurred”

  • If a certain (I/O) resource is used locally to only a section of code, use a with statement to ensure the resource is cleaned up reliably after use.

  • Even though Python is dynamically typed, be consistent with return statements. Always return values of the same type or return nothing all. If a value should be returned, any return statements returning no actual value should be explicitly defined as return None. None is used to define null values in Python.

  • Type comparisons between objects should always use isinstance() instead of using an is comparison.

    if isinstance(obj, int):  # Correct 
    if type(obj) is type(1):  # Wrong
  • For any type of sequences (e.g. strings, lists, tuples), use the property that empty sequences return false. Therefore, using the len() function is redundant.

    if seq:       # Correct
    if len(seq):  # Wrong
  • Make use of the flow control statements return/break/continue to simplify control flow whenever possible.

  • Try to avoid for loops by using their more functional counterparts. For example, to map and select over a list, use list comprehensions and generator expressions as they are faster and take up less memory (on top of being more elegant).

  • Only use keywords for argument specification when the parameter has a default value.

    # Example of the usage of keywords in functions.
    def send(message : str, to : str, cc : str = None, bcc : str = None) -> None:
    send("Hello", "World", bcc="God", cc="Jezus")

Python Documentation

Write all documentation in English, ASCII preferred. Prioritize keeping them up-to-date when the code changes, as to not cause any confusion. Documentation should be complete sentences; ending with a period and starting capitalized, unless it starts with a lower case identifier (e.g. a variable). The documentation of a piece of functionality like a method or function should usually start with the present simple without a personal pronoun (e.g. “Calculates all prime numbers within the given range.”).


  • Block comments: Indented at the same level as the code that they apply on. Each line of a block comment start with a # and 1 space. Paragraphs inside block comments are seperated by 1 line containing a #.

  • Inline comments: Seperated by at least 2 spaces from the statement. They also start with a # and 1 space. Inline comments do not necessarily need to be complete sentences, depending on the goal of the comment. (NOTE: inline comments should be avoided when possible, as they often state the obvious.)


Docstrings as described in the PEP 257 docstring documentation are string literals that occur as the first statement in a module, class, method or function definition. Docstrings are mainly used as documentation for publicly accessible code from packages, and are used in a similar way as C# XML documentation comments. Docstrings should be declared for:

  • Modules

  • Functions & Classes exported by a module

  • Public methods (which includes the __init__ constructor)

Packages may be documented in the module docstring of the file. String literals may also be used elsewhere in Python code as documentation, but should be used sparingly. Large and important private/protected methods may for example be documented with string literals, but do not document small pieces of functionality in such a way. Smaller methods should however be described by normal comments; these comments should still appear after the def line. Docstrings are always surrounded by """triple double quotes""".

  • One-line Docstrings: Used in obvious cases where the documentation can fit in 1 line. One-line docstrings should not be descriptive, they rather follow a “Does this, returns that” structure. The closing quotes are on the same line as the opening quotes.

    # Example of how One-line Docstrings should be used.
    def multiplier(a : int, b : int) -> int:
        """Takes in two numbers, returns their product."""
        return a*b
  • Multi-line Docstrings: Consist of a one-line summary just like a one-line docstring, followed by a blank line, followed by a more elaborate description. The opening quotes are one their own separate line before the one-line summary, the closing quotes are one their own separate line after the description. The entire string literal is indented the same way as the opening quotes. Different Python constructs have different conventions for writing multi-line docstrings:


    Docstring Convention


    Summarizes the functionality it contains and lists all modules and subpackages exported by the package


    Summarizes the functionality it contains and lists all classes, exceptions and functions (and any other objects) that are exported by the module in a one-line summary each


    Summarizes its behaviour and lists its public methods and instance variables. Subclasses, constructors and methods should each have their own docstrings


    Summarizes its behaviour and lists its arguments, return value(s) side effects, exceptions that may be raised, etc… Optional arguments should be explicitly indicated as such

    If a class inherits another class and its behaviour is not changed, the docstring should mention this and summarize how it differs from the base class. To indicate that a subclass method overrides a base class method, use the verb “ override”. To indicate that a subclass method also calls the base class method, use the verb “extend”.

    Multi-line docstrings should be written down using the Sphinx docstring format in the reStructuredText (reST) markup language as mentioned in the PEP 287 docstring formatting documentation. By default, there are five docstring reST directives, which mostly should be used in function and method docstrings. Generally, such Sphinx docstrings have the following structure:

    :param [parameter name]: [parameter description]
    :param [ParamName]: [ParamDescription](, defaults to [DefaultParamVal])
    :type [ParamName]: [ParamType](, optional)
    :raises [ErrorType]: [ErrorDescription]
    :return: [ReturnDescription]
    :rtype: [ReturnType]

    A pair of :param and :type directives should be used for each parameter of a function or method. The :raises: directive is used to describe the exceptions that may be raised by the function or method. The :return: and :rtype:directives are used to describe the return value of the function or method. (NOTE: the ... notation is onlys used here to indicate that the directive can be repeated multiple times.)

    The following section lists some reST features that may be useful in docstrings:

    • Markup escaping: Use the backslash character \ to escape reST markup functionality.

    • Inline literals: Use double backquotes `` to indicate inline literals of Python source code.

    • Literal blocks: Use indentation to indicate a literal block of Python source code. A double colon :: (at the end of the preceding paragraph) should be used to indicate the start of such a block.

    • Python identifiers: Use single backquotes ` to indicate Python identifiers (e.g. class names, method names, etc…).

File Structure


In general, try to bundle backend functionality of the same kind into packages (i.e. add a file to the directory that should be made a package). This makes sure that the code is organized in a clear way and renders importing pieces of functionality easier and more concise. Note that since Python 3.3, the file is not required to be defined anymore in order to render directories as packages, but it is still good practice to do so anyway.

Of course the hierarchy of Python packages and directories should reflect the architecture as much as possible. In an MVC desing for example, different subdirectories should be used for the Model, View and Controller. The depth of the project directory should be kept to a minimum however, given that file structure complexity should be reduced wherever possible.

Naming Files and Directories

Write all names in English, only use ASCII alphabetic and numerical characters.

  • Files: All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words. For special files stick to the naming conventions used there, even though some files are allowed to have other names as well.

  • Directories: All-lowercase, underscores should be used between individual words. Again make exceptions for special directories.

Special Files

  • requirements.txt: Located at the base directory of a git-repository. Used to keep track of all used third party packages in the project, in which every line contains 1 package ( e.g. tensorflow==2.3.1). When present, it can be used in a pip one-liner to install all required packages with pip install -r requirements.txt. For more information on the requirements file format itself, please refer to its pip documentation.

  • Bundles functionality together by creating a package from a directory of Python files. This makes importing pieces of functionality from modules within the package easier in different ways. Given that the entry-point of a package is defined by its file, it can for instance be used to execute initialization code for the package. Furthermore, it can be a good place to export code from modules within the package, which renders importing functionality from the package more concise (s.t. one could use from package import functionality instead of from package.module import functionality for example). In the simplest case however, the file may naturally be left empty.

Content of Source Code Files

In the given Software Project manual, it is mentioned that every source code file has to contain the following comment:

This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course.
© Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences)

On the GUI the following has to be displayed:

© Utrecht University (ICS)

It is also recommended to add a colophon that includes:

  • The same comment that is also used in the source code files.

  • The name of the client.

  • The names of the developers.

  • The name of the supervisor.

  • The link

The Zen of Python

Also known as the PEP 20 guiding principles in designing Pythonic code.

Beautiful is better than ugly. 
Explicit is better than implicit. 
Simple is better than complex. 
Complex is better than complicated. 
Flat is better than nested. 
Sparse is better than dense. 
Readability counts. 
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. 
Although practicality beats purity. 
Errors should never pass silently. 
Unless explicitly silenced. 
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. 
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. 
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. 
Now is better than never. 
Although never is often better than *right* now. 
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. 
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. 
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!