Source code for tommy.controller.corpus_controller

import os
from import Generator

from gensim.corpora import Dictionary

from tommy.controller.file_import.generic_file_importer import (
from tommy.controller.file_import.metadata import Metadata
from tommy.controller.file_import.processed_body import ProcessedBody
from tommy.controller.file_import.processed_corpus import ProcessedCorpus
from tommy.controller.file_import.processed_file import ProcessedFile
from tommy.controller.file_import.raw_body import RawBody
from tommy.controller.file_import.raw_file import RawFile
from tommy.controller.project_settings_controller import (
from tommy.controller.preprocessing_controller import PreprocessingController
from import EventHandler
from tommy.model.corpus_model import CorpusModel
from tommy.view.error_view import ErrorView

[docs] class CorpusController: """ The corpus controller class is responsible for handling interactions with the corpus model. """ _corpus_model: CorpusModel = None _project_settings_controller: ProjectSettingsController = None _preprocessing_controller: PreprocessingController = None fileParsers: GenericFileImporter = GenericFileImporter() _metadata_changed_event: EventHandler[[Metadata]] = None corpus_version_id: int = -1 @property def metadata_changed_event(self) -> EventHandler[[Metadata]]: """ This event gets triggered every time the metadata of the corpus is changed, so the UI can update itself to show the metadata :return: """ return self._metadata_changed_event
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize corpus controller and eventhandler for metadata""" super().__init__() self._metadata_changed_event = EventHandler[[Metadata]]()
[docs] def set_controller_refs(self, project_settings_controller: ProjectSettingsController, preprocessing_controller: PreprocessingController) -> None: """ Sets the reference to the project settings controller, and subscribes to the publisher of project settings :param project_settings_controller: the project settings controller :param preprocessing_controller: the preprocessing controller :return: None """ self._project_settings_controller = project_settings_controller self._preprocessing_controller = preprocessing_controller project_settings_controller.input_folder_path_changed_event.subscribe( self.on_input_folder_path_changed)
[docs] def set_model_refs(self, corpus_model: CorpusModel) -> None: """ Sets the reference to the corpus model :param corpus_model: The corpus model :return: None """ self._corpus_model = corpus_model
[docs] def change_config_model_refs(self, corpus_model: CorpusModel) -> None: """ Sets the reference to the corpus model :param corpus_model: The corpus model :return: None """ self._corpus_model = corpus_model self.extract_and_store_metadata(self._project_settings_controller .get_input_folder_path())
def _read_files(self, path: str, show_error: bool) -> Generator[RawFile, None, None]: """ Yields the contents of all compatible files in a given directory and all its subdirectories. :param path: The string of the path to the directory :return: A generator yielding File objects """ if path == "": return None errors = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if file.startswith('.'): continue try: yield from self.fileParsers.import_file( os.path.join(root, file)) except NotImplementedError as e: errors.append(f"{file} bestaat uit een niet ondersteund " f"file format. pad: " f"{os.path.join(root, file)}") except UnicodeDecodeError as e: errors.append(f"Dit bestand kon niet worden gedecodeerd: " f"{file}. Probleem: {e}") except Warning as e: errors.append(f"Waarschuwing bij bestand '{file}': {e}") except ExceptionGroup as e: error_lines = "\n".join(str(error) for error in e.exceptions) errors.append(f"Er zijn meerdere fouten opgetreden bij " f"het laden van dit bestand: {file}. " f"Problemen:\n{error_lines}") except Exception as e: errors.append(f"Er is een probleem opgetreden bij het " f"laden van dit bestand: " f" {file}. Probleem: {e}") if show_error and errors: ErrorView("Er is een probleem opgetreden bij het " "importeren van de volgende bestanden:", errors) def _read_files_from_input_folder(self) -> Generator[RawFile, None, None]: """ Private method to read all files in the folder specified in the project settings model :return: A generator that iterates over the raw file contents and their metadata. """ path = self._project_settings_controller.get_input_folder_path() return self._read_files(path, False)
[docs] def on_input_folder_path_changed(self, input_folder_path: str) -> None: """ Gets the metadata from all files in the directory specified by the project settings and stores it in the corpus model and triggers the metadata-changed-event :param input_folder_path: The new path to the input folder :return: None """ self.corpus_version_id += 1 self.extract_and_store_metadata(input_folder_path) self._metadata_changed_event.publish(self._corpus_model.metadata)
[docs] def extract_and_store_metadata(self, input_folder_path: str) -> None: """ Gets the metadata from all files in the directory specified by the project settings and stores it in the corpus model :param input_folder_path: The new path to the input folder :return: None """ files = self._read_files(input_folder_path, True) metadata = [file.metadata for file in files] self._corpus_model.metadata = metadata
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> list[Metadata]: """ Gets the metadata from all files in the corpus model. This method assumes that extract_and_store_metadata has already been called. :return: The metadata of the files in the corpus """ return self._corpus_model.metadata
[docs] def get_raw_bodies(self) -> Generator[RawBody, None, None]: """ Get a generator that reads all the raw file contents from the input folder :return: A generator for just the contents of the raw corpus, but without the metadata """ files = self._read_files_from_input_folder() return (file.body for file in files)
[docs] def get_raw_files(self) -> Generator[RawFile, None, None]: """ Get a generator that reads all the raw file contents and their metadata from the input folder :return: A generator of the raw corpus """ return self._read_files_from_input_folder()
[docs] def get_processed_corpus(self) -> ProcessedCorpus: """ Get an iterable of the processed corpus. Only works after pre-processing has been completed. :return: The pre-processed files and a reference to their metadata """ if not self._corpus_model.processed_corpus: return self.preprocess_corpus() return self._corpus_model.processed_corpus
[docs] def preprocess_corpus(self) -> ProcessedCorpus: """Preprocessed the corpus and save it in the corpus model""" processed_files = [ProcessedFile(doc.metadata, ProcessedBody( self._preprocessing_controller.process_text(doc.body.body))) for doc in self.get_raw_files()] processed_corpus = ProcessedCorpus(processed_files) self._corpus_model.processed_corpus = processed_corpus return processed_corpus
[docs] def get_dictionary(self) -> Dictionary: """ Get the dictionary corresponding to the bag-of-words representation of the pre-processed documents. It is only set after pre-processing has been completed. :return: the dictionary of the pre-processed documents """ return self._corpus_model.dictionary
[docs] def set_dictionary(self, dictionary: Dictionary) -> None: """ Set the dictionary corresponding to the bag-of-words representation of the pre-processed documents. :param dictionary: corpora.Dictionary: the dictionary of the pre-processed documents :return: None """ self._corpus_model.dictionary = dictionary
[docs] def metadata_available(self) -> bool: """ Check if the metadata is available in the corpus model :return: True if metadata is available, False otherwise """ return bool(self._corpus_model.metadata)
""" This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course. © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences) """