Source code for tommy.controller.preprocessing_controller

import os

import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
import nltk

from tommy.model.stopwords_model import StopwordsModel
from tommy.model.synonyms_model import SynonymsModel
from import application_settings
from import SupportedLanguage
from tommy.controller.language_controller import LanguageController

[docs] class PreprocessingController: """A class that can preprocess text using the Dutch SpaCy pipeline.""" _stopwords_model: StopwordsModel = None _enable_pos: bool _synonyms_model: SynonymsModel = None def __init__(self) -> None: self._pos_categories = None self._entity_categories = None self._nlp = None self._enable_pos: bool self._language_controller = None # load punkt tokenizers for splitting sentences self._dutch_sent_tokenizer = self._load_nltk_sent_tokenizer( "dutch.pickle") self._english_sent_tokenizer = self._load_nltk_sent_tokenizer( "english.pickle") @staticmethod def _load_nltk_sent_tokenizer(*path_parts) -> nltk.PunktSentenceTokenizer: """ Load a sentence tokenizer from nltk from the preprocessing data folder :param path_parts: Components of the path to the desired tokenizer, e.g., "dutch.pickle" """ fpath = f"file:///{os.path.join( application_settings.data_folder, "preprocessing_data", "nltk_downloads", "tokenizers_punkt", *path_parts)}" try: tokenizer = except LookupError: raise LookupError(f"Could not load nltk tokenizer at path {fpath}") return tokenizer
[docs] def load_pipeline(self, language: SupportedLanguage) -> None: nlp: spacy.Language match language: case SupportedLanguage.Dutch: self._enable_pos = True pipeline_path = os.path.join( application_settings.data_folder, "preprocessing_data", "pipeline_download", "nl_core_news_sm-3.7.0") nlp = spacy.load(pipeline_path, exclude=["parser", "tagger", "attribute_ruler"]) case SupportedLanguage.English: self._enable_pos = False pipeline_path = os.path.join( application_settings.data_folder, "preprocessing_data", "pipeline_download", "en_core_web_sm-3.7.1") # tagger is taking over the role of the morphologizer ( # supposedly) nlp = spacy.load(pipeline_path, exclude=["parser"]) case _: raise ValueError("Unsupported preprocessing language") self._nlp = nlp self._nlp.add_pipe("merge_entities") self._entity_categories = {"CARDINAL", "DATE", "LAW", "MONEY", "ORDINAL", "PERCENT", "QUANTITY", "TIME"} self._pos_categories = {"NOUN", "PROPN", "ADJ", "ADV", "VERB"}
[docs] def set_model_refs(self, stopwords_model: StopwordsModel, synonyms_model: SynonymsModel) -> None: self._stopwords_model = stopwords_model self._synonyms_model = synonyms_model
[docs] def set_controller_refs(self, language_controller: LanguageController): """Set the reference to the language controller""" self._language_controller = language_controller self._language_controller.change_language_event.subscribe( self.load_pipeline) self.load_pipeline(self._language_controller.get_language())
[docs] def process_text(self, text: str) -> list[str]: """Preprocesses the given text to a list of tokens.""" tokens = self._nlp(text) tokens = self.process_tokens(tokens) return tokens
[docs] def split_into_sentences(self, text: str) -> list[str]: """Split the given text to a list of sentences.""" match self._language_controller.get_language(): case SupportedLanguage.Dutch: tokenizer = self._dutch_sent_tokenizer case SupportedLanguage.English: tokenizer = self._english_sent_tokenizer case _: raise ValueError("Current language is not supported by NLTK" " sentence splitter.") return tokenizer.tokenize(text)
[docs] def process_tokens(self, doc: Doc) -> list[str]: """ Processes the tokens given by the SpaCy pipeline. :param doc: The tokens given by processing of the Dutch SpaCy pipeline :return list[str]: The processed tokens """ # All steps that require token-level information. lemmas = [token.lemma_ for token in doc if token.ent_type_ not in self._entity_categories and not str.isspace(token.lemma_) and ( not self._enable_pos or token.pos_ in self._pos_categories)] # Take the lemmas. lemmas = [lemma.lower() for lemma in lemmas if len(lemma) > 2] # Apply synonyms and filter stopwords. lemmas = self.apply_synonyms(lemmas) lemmas = self.filter_stopwords(lemmas) return lemmas
[docs] def apply_synonyms(self, tokens: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Applies synonyms to the given list of tokens. :param tokens: The list of tokens :return: The list of tokens where tokens are mapped to their synonyms """ return (list(map( lambda token: self._synonyms_model.get(token, token), tokens)))
[docs] def filter_stopwords(self, tokens: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Removes all stopwords from the given list of tokens. :param tokens: The list of tokens :return: The list of tokens without stopwords """ return [token for token in tokens if token not in self._stopwords_model]
""" This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course. © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences) """