Source code for tommy.controller.stopwords_controller

import os

from tommy.controller.language_controller import LanguageController
from tommy.model.stopwords_model import StopwordsModel
from import EventHandler
from import application_settings
from import SupportedLanguage

[docs] class StopwordsController: """A class that handles all stopword related functionality.""" _stopwords_model: StopwordsModel _language_controller: LanguageController _stopwords_model_changed_event: EventHandler[list[str]] = EventHandler() @property def stopwords_model_changed_event(self) -> EventHandler[list[str]]: """ This event gets triggered when the stopwords model is changed due to the user switching config """ return self._stopwords_model_changed_event @property def stopwords_model(self) -> StopwordsModel: return self._stopwords_model
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """Initializes the stopwords controller, and load the stopwords of the selected language""" self._language_controller = None
[docs] def set_model_refs(self, stopwords_model: StopwordsModel): """Sets the reference to the stopwords model.""" self._stopwords_model = stopwords_model
[docs] def set_controller_refs(self, language_controller: LanguageController): """Sets the reference to the language controller.""" self._language_controller = language_controller language_controller.change_language_event.subscribe( self.load_default_stopwords) self.load_default_stopwords(language_controller.get_language())
[docs] def on_model_swap(self): """Notify the frontend that the stopwords model has changed.""" self._stopwords_model_changed_event.publish( self._stopwords_model.extra_words_in_order)
[docs] def load_default_stopwords(self, language: SupportedLanguage) -> None: """Load the default stopwords of the selected language""" with open(self.get_stopwords_path(language), 'r') as file: file_content = stopword_list = file_content.split() self._stopwords_model.default_words = set(stopword_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_stopwords_path(language: SupportedLanguage) -> str: """Return the path to the stopwords file for the selected language""" return os.path.join(application_settings.data_folder, "preprocessing_data", "stopwords", f"{}.txt")
[docs] def update_stopwords(self, words: list[str]) -> None: """ Update the stopwords model with a new list of extra stopwords. :param words: The new list of stopwords :return: None """ word_set = set([word.lower() for word in words]) self._stopwords_model.replace(word_set, words)
""" This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course. © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences) """