Source code for tommy.datatypes.topics

from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs] @dataclass class Topic: """ A dataclass representing a topic resulting from modelling run, holding a number of top words per topic. """ topic_id: int top_words: list[str] @property def n_words(self) -> int: """Get the number of top words saved in this topic object""" return len(self.top_words)
[docs] class TopicWithScores(Topic): """ A more extensive class representing topic resulting from modelling run, holding a number of top words per topic and their scores. """ word_scores: list[float] @property def top_words_with_scores(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]: """Get tuples of top words with their corresponding score""" return list(zip(self.top_words, self.word_scores))
[docs] def __init__(self, topic_id: int, top_words_with_scores: list[tuple[str, float]]) -> None: """ Create a topic object that holds top words and their corresponding scores. :param topic_id: The id of the topic that this object represents :param top_words_with_scores: the list of tuples of top words and their corresponding score :return: None """ top_words, word_scores = (zip(*top_words_with_scores) if len(top_words_with_scores) > 0 else ([], [])) self.word_scores = word_scores super().__init__(topic_id, top_words)
""" This program has been developed by students from the bachelor Computer Science at Utrecht University within the Software Project course. © Copyright Utrecht University (Department of Information and Computing Sciences) """